What's Happening
Rights organization urge Nepal Government to Withdraw convicted military officer’s promotion
AFAD calls on the Nepal government to withdraw the promotion of Col. Lama who is in fact more worthy of being demoted from his rank as military colonel if not stripped of his position in the military. The military force is an important organization to protect the rights of the people under the new government but AFAD believes that the present coalition government of the Maoist and Congress is not mindful of this important role and is more bent on neglecting its duties to prosecute officials who have been involved in human rights violations.
Dr. Horacio Ravena's IDD 2017 message
Dr. Horacio Ravena, member of the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances from Argentina, conveys a message of hope, on the occasion of the International Day, of the Disappeared, for victims of enforced disappearances and the rest of civil society.
Ms Houria Es-Slami's IDD 2017 message
Ms Houria Es-Slami, Chair-Rapporteur of Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID), gives her message for the International Day of the Disappeared.
It Is Time for Enforced Disappearances to Disappear
30 August 2017
Official Statement on the International Day of Enforced Disappearance
It has been 69 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), a milestone document in the history of humankind, was put in place on 10 December 1948 at the Palais de Chaillot, Paris, France. And yet, the world has not rid itself of one of the worst forms of human rights violation - enforced disappearance (ED). As of 2016, the UN has been considering 43,250 outstanding cases of ED in countries, a figure which is below the actual number of cases, many of which have been underreported due to various reasons.