What's Happening
Reflecting on Lessons of the Past
Forty-six years ago on September 21, 1972, the late President Ferdinand Marcos signed Proclamation 1081, which formally announced the beginning of martial rule in the Philippines. This onerous proclamation marked the beginning of his 14-year dictatorial rule and led to what is now known as the darkest age in our country’s history. By peddling the rhetoric of reform and development, Marcos was able to amass colossal power and influence over all aspects of government. He legitimized martial rule in order to stay in power, yet used the veil of a ‘democratic revolution’ to mask the very real horrors of Martial Law.
The Verdict on Palparan’s Case: A Glimmer of Hope in these Dark Times
September 17, 2018 (MANILA, PHILIPPINES) – Today, the Malolos Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 15 has found retired Major General Jovito Palparan guilty on charges of kidnapping and serious illegal detention of University of the Philippines (UP) alumnae Sherlyn Cadapan and Karen Empeño. Judge Alexander Tamayo has meted a sentence of reclusion perpetua to Palparan and his two (2) co-accused, Lieutenant Colonel Felipe Anotado and S/Sgt Edgardo Osorio, and has ordered each to pay P100,000 in civil indemnity and P200,000 for moral damages.
AFAD Remembers its Former Chairperson Munir Said Thalib on his Death Anniversary and Seeks Justice for Him
Today, the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD) fondly remembers its former Chairperson, Munir Said Thalib, who was killed on this day, fourteen years back in 2004. Munir was one of the most prominent human rights defenders in Indonesia, who served as the Chairperson of AFAD from August 2003 till is death.
Odhikar-Human Rights Monitoring Report on Bangladesh Reporting
Period: 1 – 31 August 2018
Prepared by Odhikar
Date of Release: 1 September 2018
Odhikar has, since 1994, been monitoring the human rights situation in Bangladesh inOdhikar has, since 1994, been monitoring the human rights situation in Bangladesh inorder to promote and protect civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights ofBangladeshi citizens and to report on violations and defend the victims. Odhikar doesnot believe that the human rights movement merely endeavours to protect the‘individual’ from violations perpetrated by the state; rather, it believes that themovement to establish the rights and dignity of every individual is part of the struggleto constitute Bangladesh as a democratic state. Odhikar has always been consistent increating mass awareness of human rights issues using several means, includingreporting violations perpetrated by the State and advocacy and campaign to ensureinternationally recognised civil and political rights of citizens. The Organisationunconditionally stands by the victims of oppression and maintains no prejudice withregard to political leanings or ideological orientation, race, religion or sex. In line withthis campaign, Odhikar prepares and releases human rights status reports every month.